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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Neuro Precision provides expert and private Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) services in and around Kent. This is provided for Adults, Adolescents and Children, including those with Autism,  ADHD  & Developmental Disorders.

If you feel unable to cope with daily life or have any mental health concerns, CBT Therapy is actively supported by both the NHS and The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. (NICE) Both recommend CBT Therapy to reduce a number of mental health disorders.

What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – CBT?

CBT Therapy focuses on changing negative thoughts and feelings , that can trap a person into negative behaviour.

This often has far reaching effects and can result in Phobias, Panic attacks, Depression, Anxiety, OCD as well as Insomnia and many other long term health problems.

CBT aim’s at improving your quality of Cognitive (Thoughts) and Behavioural Connections.

It is a recognized form of Psychology and uses a combination of Psychotherapy and Behavioral Therapy to process negative or distorted thoughts related to stimuli.


When something provokes a thought or emotional response—we then act upon it, and in so doing, we set up a neural pathway in our brains, connecting the two.

The brain becomes hardwired to respond that way, each time the stimulus is encountered.

When a negative pattern is repeated over and over, it can create entrenched dysfunction, culminating in destructive patterns of behaviour.

CBT Therapy coaches a client to shift these distortions and modify the neural circuits.


1 in 4 People are affected by mental or neurological disorders-CBT can help.

Many people suffer with disorders or emotional problems and you would never know it. We are here to help you focus on your current problem or issue, in confidentiality and with discretion. Step by Step sessions will retrain your brain in the way it thinks and processes information, which will lead to a positive change in your Behaviour, ultimately breaking negative cycles.


CBT is a valuable and recognized Therapy by the NHS to treat a variety of mental health problems.

CBT is a short term intervention which focuses on goal orientated approach, to solving negative problems and issues.

You do not need to be referred by your GP and can contact us at any time should you wish to actively address and change the way you think and behave.

CBT Support Area’s Include

  • Panic Attacks
  • Panic Disorders
  • Poor Self Esteem
  • Social Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
  • Phobias
  • Anxiety
  • Abandonment Issues
  • Stress
  • Addiction
  • Obsessions
  • Anger Management
  • Abandonment Issues
  • Low Self-Image
  • Self-Harming
  • Social Phobias
  • Substance Misuse
  • Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)
  • Chronic Fatigue Disorder
  • Eating Disorders
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Addictions
  • Habit Disorders
  • Chronic and Acute Pain Management
  • Inter-relationship Issues
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Treatment Plans

All treatment plans are based on you as an individual, taking into account your personal life history, along with your work and social life.

We have a unique approach to presenting issues, using five Individual and Effective Therapies, all under one Treatment plan, at no further cost, to ensure the best outcomes and non-lapse.


What to expect in your Treatment Plan?

Making your first appointment is a difficult step to take. You will be treated with sensitivity, respect and discretion at all times.

Your appointment is confidential and you can be assured professionalism & discretion.

The Steps Involved in Treatment

Free Consultation

You will receive a free Telephone Consultation, where your presenting problem will be discussed.
If it is agreed that CBT will work for you, we will then make a date for the Assessment Consultation.

Assessment Consultation

This consultation includes Clinical Assessments.

These Clinical Assessments will include: IAPT Outcome Measures

-Generalized Anxiety Disorders  Assessment

-Depression Assessment

-Work & Social Adjustment Scale Measures/ Assessment

There is no further commitment from yourself at this stage, as it is a time to identify how comfortable you feel with your Therapist and if you felt you were able to talk freely and openly.

Your personal history will be discussed along with the specific problems you wish to address.

Depending on your specific Issue’s, it will be discussed how many treatments you will need in order that we can reach your treatment goals.

Treatment Plans

Your Treatment plan will be discussed with you in detail and updated each week.

It is safe to say that to successfully treat a presenting issue; the client needs to commit to a series of sessions. This allows us to follow all the required steps to shift distortions and modify the brain’s neural circuits. Usually this is between 6, 8 or 12 sessions, depending on your type and severity of the problem. Although it is recommended to follow a full course of treatment, you can however stop the sessions at any stage, should you wish.

All available Therapies are used, to combat your presenting issues. No Need to visit different Therapists for different things. You will have a treatment offer for your problem as a whole.

For more serious emotional issues, longer may be required to tackle the existing neural pathways. This will always be discussed with you.

CBT is very successful Therapy as it teaches people coping skills & behavioural changes which amends internal beliefs. This leads to positive results.

We offer block bookings of 6 sessions at a time, at a reduced rate to start off with, so that you can get used to the process and assess whether CBT is helping you, before committing for longer.

How long is each session?

Sessions are usually once a week and the sessions last 45 min.

Most clients will have a combination of presenting issues, and we can work on all of these, at the same time, during your treatment session.

Sessions are held in our Comfortable Therapy Room based in Borough Green.

Private Home Visits can be arranged for a supplement of £ 20.00 per hour.

What do I have to do as a client?

CBT is a very successful form of Therapy and it is essential that the Therapist and client have main essential foundations.

But you will need to be open and honest with your Therapist and agree to actively participate in the treatment process. This is an essential tool on achieving the agreed Therapy goals. This will be in the form of diaries and goals set each week.

In return, you will receive full support and guidance in your Therapy.

Will my appointments be Confidential?

Yes, all appointments are confidential.

Your Therapist has strict ethical codes of conduct relating to confidentiality. Please read the Qualifications page for more information.

Therapist’s will only extend the parameters of confidentially if you tell us something that is an immediate danger to yourself or someone else. If a therapist is concerned for your safety, they will discuss this with you with the view of keeping you and others safe.

How to Make an Appointment:

To make an appointment with a Therapist- please call now

Or send an e-mail message at:
[email protected]

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Price Lists:

Initial Phone Consultation Free
First Therapy Session + Clinical Assessments £289.00
Stand Alone Therapy Sessions or Top up Session’s £85.00

Also Includes

  • SAD Solutions Blue Light Therapy
  • Clinical Hypnotherapy – Deep Relaxation
  • Far – infrared Physical Therapy
  • Neuroplasticity
  • Insomnia Review

Full Package Therapy Weekly Plan

Includes all available Therapies & Treatments
Includes  min of 2 sessions per week, flexibility on session times – AND Includes with the Insomnia Treatment Package Deal £ 160.00 per week

A typical month will include

Therapies Incorporated in our Visits:

*Cognitive Behavioural Therapy specific to your presenting issue
*Cognitive Stimulation
*SAD Blue Light Therapy Sessions
*Far-infrared Physical Therapy
*Deep Relaxation Techniques, Visual Imagery and Relaxation Therapy
*Stress Management Coping Techniques – Stress Journal
*Clinical Hypnotherapy & Progressive Muscle Relaxation
*Insomnia sleep clinic and treatment
*Monitoring & checking of Blood Pressure
*Monitoring & checking of Weight Loss or Weight Gain
*Regular Phone Calls – To ensure that there are no problems & to monitor any concerns such as anxiety or depression.
*Confidence Building & Depression and Anxiety Monitoring.